For Natuurmonumenten I have created several interactive installations they use in the streets for donor collecting.
Lintjesboom / Ribbon Tree
The Lintjesboom is a collapsible fake tree made out of steel frame, covered with styrofoam, PUR foam and cheesecloth, and was then painted. I made two versions of the tree. Below a little making of of the first one.
It serves as an eye-cather and conversation starter for charity workers. People are given green ribbons to write messages and wishes on and then tie them in a bow on the branches of what starts as a barren tree, populating it with more and more leaves and life.

Interactive Mobile Magazine
This big mobile page turner has information and interactive games on all of its sides. Deer antlers ring toss, a huge nature pics-showing View-Master, a How Tall Am I Compared To These Animals graphic, a Who’s Foot Prints Are This game and more. It comes apart in light, handleable pieces for transport and the pages changed with the seasons.
Pics coming up ..