On the first days we were all ordered to stay at home during this COVID-19 crisis we’re in right now, my neighbours’ kids made a chalk drawing in front of my house saying “Alles Komt Goed” (“Everything Will Be OK”). This made me think back to years ago when a friend could use some bucking up. I was creating a piece with LEGO for an exhibition in Kunsthal at the time, so I built and sent her this picture.

I thought that now would be a good time to also share this publicly. To try and hearten up people while at the same time give an idea of something to do while sitting at home all day. So I asked followers on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to build their own version and place it in front of their window for everybody outside to see. Below you can already see some of them. Feel free to join in on the fun and create your own sculpture. And if you would like to share it using the hashtag #metlegokomtallesgoed, please do, so I can find and repost it as well.

Amazing build by Leela!

Publieke Werken
My Alles Komt Goed design was also part of the Publieke Werken street exhibition and was part of a smaller selection shown at the entrance of the Boijmans Museum drive-through exhibition at Ahoy.
Publieke Werken (Public Works) was an outdoor exhibition in the month of july and august 2020 throughout the city of Rotterdam with works of more than 400 visual artists, designers, photographers, image makers and illustrators. Initiated to fill the void that was created when Covid-19 struck and a lot of poster frames in the city normally filled with advertisements remained empty, to show that imagination is better than advertising.
Algemene Beschouwingen
And the design was also part of the Algemene Beschouwingen (General Reflections) street exhibition in ‘s-Hertogenbosch.
Algemene Beschouwingen is a platform that made use of the Lower House Elections from 2021 to design alternative election posters. Participants were called upon to alter existing posters, to submit their own (alternative) designs or to send in posters with a general meaning after their own design. These subjects can be raising social issues such as youth, care or safety, or expressing a playful call to vote. Hereby freedom and creativity are the most important subjects.