The Matrix Letterreep is a single chocoladeletter design that can become all letters of the alphabet, and more!
I had been wanting to create my own chocolate letters and give as presents to family and friends (a Dutch tradition around Sinterklaas) for a very long time, but just never got round to it. It would be quite a lot of work with all the different letters of people’s names. But then, when I started playing with 3D printing and 3D modeling in 2017, and combined the love for my new tools and skills with this old idea and another love, that for matrix displays, I came up with the Matrix Letterreep design.
Now you only need one shape and you can create all of the letters, plus any other cool characters and shapes you can think of! Nobody will have to feel left out anymore, because the shops didn’t have their letter and they end up with an upside down W while their name is Michael or you just get the S of Sint. Also, there is much less reason for shops to be left with a bunch of unsold letters after the holiday.
Below you see the very first prototypes I made and gifted to family and friends.

P.S. If you are a chocolatier and interested in putting this design on the market (and not just (badly) rip it off), please give me a call.